Crafting a unique brand
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I opted for this organic aesthetic to symbolise the fluidity and automation inherent in the app's operations. It also embodies a seamless structure that is not constrained by traditional conventions or limitations.
For the codification of different types of expenses and appeal to a young audience, a colourful palette completes the app’s identity.
Colour Guide
Competitive Analysis
Who are we designing for
Summary / Insights
I analysed three mobile banking apps based on onboarding, login, interaction, accessibility, visual design, branding, and transaction happy path.
The banking apps In comparison were: GT Bank, Sparkle, and Standard Chartered.
Based on interviews and surveys, choose 3 most used mobile banking apps and analysed them, compared their features with these parameters: onboarding, Log in, interaction, accessibility, visual design, branding, happy path for a simple transaction.
I created two persona archetypes based on research data to better understand our users. The archetypes encapsulate the target user group, their goals, behaviors, and the design objectives' context.
customer resolution
Banking Incentives
Difficult user
stressful banking
Some of the Pain Points users experienced.
of users confirmed that they use digital payment solutions every day.
of the users confirmed that customer service was one of the main considerations when choosing a bank app. .
of the users pointed out that the top 3 reasons they would use a banking app were for making payments, transfers, and savings.
Research and Discovery
My research process was combination of online survey, in depth interviews, user reviews and usability testing to gain insight into various user experiences, frustrations and pain points.
After discovering a unique problem, I conducted further research to understand the challenges faced by users, in order to craft a one-of-a-kind experience.
The work was divided into numerous stages, and multiple iterations were performed st each stage to achieve the best result.
Sketching features
The Road Map
AI Powered saving and expense tool
Intelligent Chatbot
Subscription and
bills management.
Financial Education blog
Pay Bills
Money Transfer
Augmented reality (AR) features
Buy and Sell Foriegn exchange
Personalized expense plan
voice activated transactions
Sketching features
I devised specific features—ones not typically considered in a mobile banking app but that add value to the user experience
The Objective of the project
Develope a fully immersive personalized in-app journey that extends beyond typical marketing and advertising boundaries, showcased through imaginative visuals and groundbreaking functionalities.
Create a user-centric mobile banking application centered around personalised in app experience with innovative features and visually appealing design.
Mobile banking apps often lack human-centered experiences from marketing to in-app interactions.
Time Spent
Welcome to
UI/UX Mobile Banking App
On Mother’s Day, I initiated a bank transfer and couldn't help but notice the absence of any in-app experience related to Mother's Day. While it's anticipated for brand marketing to be evident on such days across diverse touch points, the absence of an in-app experience caught my attention.
Information Architecture.
The Businessman
The Spender